# Contribution Guidelines ## Introduction Contributions to DataAnalysisToolkit are greatly appreciated. Whether it's improving code, documentation, or reporting issues, your contributions help enhance the toolkit. ## How to Contribute 1. **Familiarize Yourself**: Read our [documentation](link-to-docs) and understand the project's scope. 2. **Code Contributions**: For code changes, fork the [GitHub repository](link-to-repo), make your changes, and submit a pull request. 3. **Documentation**: Help improve or translate our documentation. Contributions to tutorials, guides, and docstrings are welcome. ## Contribution Process - **Reporting Bugs**: Use the [issue tracker](link-to-issues) to report bugs. Provide detailed information for quicker resolution. - **Feature Requests**: Suggest new features or improvements through the issue tracker. - **Pull Requests**: - Keep PRs small and focused. - Follow the coding standards. - Include tests for new features. - Write meaningful commit messages. - Link PRs to relevant issues. ## Code of Conduct - Adhere to our [Code of Conduct](link-to-code-of-conduct) to ensure a respectful and inclusive environment for all contributors. ## Review Process - Contributions are reviewed by the core team and the community. Be patient as reviews can take time. - Engage in discussions if there are any review comments. ## Recognition - Contributors are acknowledged in our [Contributors List](link-to-contributors). Your efforts are valued and recognized. Thank you for considering contributing to DataAnalysisToolkit. Your efforts support the growth of an open and collaborative data analysis community.