# Documentation for `model` Directory of DataAnalysisToolkit The `model` directory in the DataAnalysisToolkit contains tools for feature engineering and model evaluation, essential for the preparation and assessment of machine learning models. ## Feature Engineer (`feature_engineer.py`) ### Overview The `FeatureEngineer` class is designed to perform various feature engineering tasks on datasets. Feature engineering enhances the dataset by creating new features from existing ones, improving model performance and providing deeper insights. ### Usage ```python engineer = FeatureEngineer(df) engineer.binning('age', bins=[0, 18, 65, 100], labels=['child', 'adult', 'senior']) engineer.create_interaction('height', 'weight') ``` ### Methods - `__init__(self, data)`: Initialize with a dataset for feature engineering. - `binning(self, column, bins, labels)`: Perform binning on a specified column, transforming continuous data into categorical bins. - `create_interaction(self, column1, column2)`: Create an interaction feature by multiplying two columns. ### Example Binning a Numeric Column and Creating an Interaction Feature: ```python feature_engineer = FeatureEngineer(df) feature_engineer.binning('income', bins=[0, 50000, 100000, 150000], labels=['low', 'medium', 'high']) feature_engineer.create_interaction('age', 'income') ``` --- ## Model Evaluator (`model_evaluator.py`) ### Overview Model Evaluator The `ModelEvaluator` class leverages scikit-learn's metrics to compute key evaluation metrics for machine learning models. This includes metrics like confusion matrix, precision, and recall, essential for understanding a model's performance. ### Usage Model Evaluator ```python evaluator = ModelEvaluator(model, X_test, y_test) conf_matrix = evaluator.get_confusion_matrix() precision = evaluator.get_precision() recall = evaluator.get_recall() ``` ### Methods Model Evaluator - `__init__(self, model, X_test, y_test)`: Initialize the evaluator with a trained model and test data. - `get_confusion_matrix(self)`: Compute the confusion matrix for the model's predictions. - `get_precision(self)`: Compute the precision score for the model's predictions. - `get_recall(self)`: Compute the recall score for the model's predictions. ### Example Model Evaluator Evaluating a Classification Model: ```python model_evaluator = ModelEvaluator(trained_model, X_test, y_test) print("Confusion Matrix:", model_evaluator.get_confusion_matrix()) print("Precision:", model_evaluator.get_precision()) print("Recall:", model_evaluator.get_recall()) ``` --- These tools in the `model` directory facilitate the preparation and evaluation of machine learning models, providing functionality to enhance datasets through feature engineering and to assess model performance with key metrics.